The latest addition to my project studio is my new Fender Squier Bullet, antique white.
In the midst of a tenure review, a chronic sinus infection, teaching, advising, meetings, ecclesiastical orderings, being a father to two toddlers: I have been able to rock out, and that has, in part, kept me going.
I had enough money to get a simple electric guitar and I am so happy. I have been sampling every channel strip setting in Logic endlessly. It is nice when it sounds like you have a wailing stack right next to you but it is just your computer and some headphones.
I've even been working on some tracks that now actually sound like rock music. Dance punk is on the way.
I'm still here, I've still eked out some time for creativity. Nothing could be busy than this semester. I'll be hanging out with folks at the SXSW monome meet up this Spring Break. And I will be sharing sounds and tracks.
Thanks for following, and thanks for the support.